What I'm Thinking

GraphQL subscriptions are extremely useful in situations when a server needs to update its clients. A chat application is a great example to demonstrate this, as when new messages arrive we want to distribute them among all chat participants as quickly as possible without polling. When I first started looking at implementing GraphQL subscriptions in Go it took me a bit before I had my aha moment and everything clicked together. Also, at that time there were not a whole lot of examples that I could look at or reference. This post will go over a concrete chat application example using GraphQL subscriptions and a backend built in Go with gqlgen.

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Pragmatic Programmer Tips
6 September 2020

One of my favorite software engineering books recently released a new edition and has been an absolute pleasure to read again. The Pragmatic Programmer is back with a 20th-anniversary edition and a fresh look at the modern software development landscape.

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If you are like me, and have all of your Apple devices constantly prompt you for your Apple ID password only to inform you that your Apple ID is locked, here is something that you could do to prevent it.

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When performing my analysis and graphing for my previous post I ran into a problem of identifying and displaying missing time series data. From a series of data that occurs daily, I wanted to identify if there were missing days, and to graph them so that they can easily be seen.

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My SiriusXM tracker for ‘The Heat’ radio station has now been running since the summer of 2016 and has collected a good amount of data. It seemed like a great opportunity to make use of this data for getting some insight into what songs/artists/albums have been popular throughout the months, and also get some Spark practice under my belt.

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This example will go over setting up a simple Scala project in which we will access a Mongo Database and perform read/write operations. In order to access MongoDB from spark we will need the MongoDB Connector for Spark.

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After having worked with GWT several years ago and really liking the framework, I recently found myself trying out Vaadin for a hobby application I want to develop. Vaadin and GWT have their similarities and differences. One of the differences is that Vaadin runs its application logic on the server side, unlike GWT which runs on the client side. This calls for some little extra setup required in the IDE in order to run the application and be able to instantly see UI changes in your browser while developing, without having to restart the application server every time. ... Read More

After hosting a few of my apps on Heroku I quickly became a fan of the platform, and saw why it gets such high praise. The ease of deploying an application straight through Git is amazing. Not having to worry about managing servers, or managing the environment is perfect–it allows a developer to go straight into developing and deploying their apps with minimal hassle.

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I have always upgraded my installed homebrew packages whenever updates became available. Recently however, I ran into a situation where I did not want to upgrade a specific package while also upgrading the rest. Loved how incredibly easy Homebrew made this.

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SiriusXM: The Heat Tracker
29 November 2016

There are a few SiriusXM stations that I always listened to in my car. With Hip-Hop being one of my favorite genres, The Heat was one of my favorite stations. I liked that they play new and old songs, and I would always pick up on some new song that is beginning to trend. After moving to Bulgaria I lost this ability, and I could not justify paying more for online radio than Spotify. ... Read More