What I'm Thinking

T.T.T. by Piet Hein
7 July 2024

Put up in a place

where it’s easy to see

the cryptic admonishment


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If you are doing any API development, a pretty useful tool can be an API Client. Some place to store and easily call various API endpoints with various payloads for testing.

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The following is an example of a graceful shutdown pattern I like to use in my Go applications which upon pressing Ctrl+C to quit allows for performing clean-up tasks.

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My Number One Debugging Rule
18 February 2024

Over the years of working in the software industry I have developed a single rule for myself when trying to debug, figure out why something is broken or doesn’t work. I can’t count the number of times not following my rule has come to bite me and led to countless hours of banging my head against the wall.

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In the following post we go over and show an example of publishing and using a Go module from a private Git repository.

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Integration tests are tests which use or depend on some external software like a database, cache layer, or any service. While unit tests validate smaller pieces of software logic, it is always good to also run integration tests in an as-close-as-possible to real environment, and preferably also have them automated. This post will go over a way to easily include and automate the use of external dependencies in your integration tests and CI/CD environment.

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I put together a simple example and all the boilerplate needed to get started with a gRPC service in Go. The following Git repository includes some of what I consider best practices, useful middleware, observability, and other features.

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Recent license changes to Docker Desktop meant that large companies would need a license to use it. I spent some time looking for a suitable alternative to Docker Desktop on MacOS, and until recently, that was running and ssh-ing into a Linux Virtual Machine. I stumbled upon the lima and colima projects, with the latter bringing container runtimes on macOS, and this is what I am using going forward. This post will go over installing and using colima to replace Docker Desktop on your MacOS (and Linux) machine.

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In a previous post I discussed a convenient shell alias for elevating kubectl command privileges. Below is a similar alias to do the same, but for helm commands.

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This post will go over how to embed the Git commit hash inside a Go binary in order to support a /versionz endpoint. A /versionz could include multiple things, including manually defined version numbers, but another nice to have is the Git commit hash which produced the binary of the running software.

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